Welcome to Young Living Essential Oils!
Mike and I began our Oily Journey in November 2013 after our daughter began using Young Living Essential Oils. We called her all kinds of silly names, such as witch doctor and voodoo woman (haha!) until we tried the oils and were amazed!
Three and a half years later, we have undergone life-style changes to include eating mostly “clean” food, being almost completely chemical free in our homes, and turning first to our Young Living Essential Oils before traditional symptom treatments.
Think about it: God has created everything we NEED to live. Why use chemicals and synthetics which are toxic and even contain carcinogens, if we don’t have to do so?
Check out my website and let’s talk. I’ll be happy to loan you a diffuser and some oils to get an idea how this works. I would love to sit with you over a cup of coffee and share my oily knowledge! Just say the word! And if you don’t like coffee, I’ll treat you to a Ningxia Red! Whaaaat? Just ask!
Join me on my journey,
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